Palaikykite ryšį su klientais!

Prisijunkite dabar ir pažiūrėkite kaip paprasta išsiųsti SMS savo klientams! Tai galite atlikti vos dviem paspaudimais!

Apie mus


The discounts seem to be what attracted me to try the adVerus services. It was a money-saver for me. Every month I sent messages consistently, therefore, I got 30% discounts all the time. Who doesn't like saving money?
Elnora Royalty, Artemis.

Bulk SMS advertisements worked out way better than we expected. Our sales increased by 20% the first month we used Bulk SMS advertisements. Additionally, the customers we received through Bulk SMS advertisements are loyal, bringing us even more profit.
Darryl Gilham, Blissfulfit.

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