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Prisijunkite dabar ir pažiūrėkite kaip paprasta išsiųsti SMS savo klientams! Tai galite atlikti vos dviem paspaudimais!

Apie mus


SMS advertisement increased our by 10% this month. We still cannot believe how such simple thing as using mobile phones for advertisements could make such significant difference on sales.
Roxie Cremin, Dream Cafe.

The bulk SMS is by far the most price-efficient way of advertising. It hits your targets right off guard, when they do not expect it, and have their minds open. By using adVerus, I saved myself a large amount of money.
Max Garlitz, Sporty Dog.

The SMS advertisement seems to have worked out better than we expected. We had our customers to fill out surveys about where did they hear about us, and it proved that it was a good investment.
George Travis, Euroshop.

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