Išbandykite mūsų paslaugas nemokamai!

Prisijunkite dabar ir išsiųskite pirma SMS nemokamai! Jūs galite lengvai patikrinti mūsų sistemą arba mūsų API!

Apie mus


Since we used large amount of numbers that we wanted the messages to be delivered to, the discounts available were the nice surprises. I am glad we chose adVerus.
Clinton Garret, Dolphin Hotel.

The messages were delivered properly and right on time. The bulk text messages advertisement increased my sales, and not only that, but also it brought me some loyal customers.
Jeanie Hodgdon.

SMS advertisement was one of our best investments into the advertisements. Many people decided to try our services after the SMS advertisement campaign.
Lance Trenholm, Dayday Sun.

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