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Join NOW and check how is easy to send SMS to your customiers! Touch your clients in 2 clicks!

Our Solutions

Gateway API


Request example (GET or POST): SMS&to=+123456789

Param Description
email login email
password login password
message Message text (only UTF-8, example: Hello world!)
from Sender (can be phone number up to 14 digits, o string up to 11 digits)
to Recipient phone number, max 50 numbers (example: +12345678, +12345678)
callback Callback URL for delivery reports (example:
message_id Message ID in your system (we can return it with delivery report, example: 123456)
send_date When send SMS message (example: 2001-01-01 00:00:00)

Answers from us

Good answer example (status, our system answer): OK:SMS messages successfully added to sent list Bad answer example (status, error message): ERROR:Emtpy text param

Delivery reports

For delivery reports please enter http url in callback param. We send all params by GET method.

Delivery report example: SMS&to=+123456789&price=0.021&currency=eur&message_id=202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70

Param Description
unique_id Our system unique SMS ID (example: 1234567890)
status Delivery status (can be: delivered, error)
message Message text (only UTF-8, example: Hello world!)
from Sender (can be phone number up to 14 digits, o string up to 11 digits)
to Recipient phone number (example: +12345678)
price How many cost SMS message (example: 0.021)
currency SMS price currency (example: eur)
message_id Message ID in your system (we return it if you give us with params, example: 123456)
error Error message (example: no credits in account)