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Our Solutions
Gateway API
Integrating bulk SMS advertising in your website was never easier than now! Using our powerful API technology, you can integrate our web script into your website. Adding our API web script into your website, could be a perfect addition to the variety of services available at your website without going through all the pain of creating your own SMS sending company.
While you could create your own company and start offering your own bulk SMS sending service, you could also use our services. This way you could save a lot of trouble of creating a separate company, signing various legal documents, etc. Our mission is to provide you with the most revenue, while having as least expenses as possible.
Our API system lets your users add as much as 100 numbers for one message, if you use GET method query. In addition, if you use POST method query, your users can send SMS messages to up to 500 cellphone numbers. We do not have preference of which one you should use, and it is entirely up to you, which method to use. None of the competitors in the market can provide you with such a convenient technology for your users.
Additionally, we provide your users with the feedback (callback param) whether the messages were delivered, or they had some troubles being delivered. If you choose callback parameter to be used, we will give you the feedback about each message individually. This could be extremely attractive to your clients, as they could manage how many messages they have sent, and how efficient the advertisements are.
What makes our company distinguished from our competitors is that we care about the people who use our services the most! Our competitors will only provide you with instructions how to create your own API scripts to be built into your websites. Meanwhile, we provide you with pre-built API scripts to save you the hassle and get your website setup in couple of minutes. Are you not looking for reselling our services, but for having our services in handy? With our API script, you can have our bulk SMS sending services right on your blog, website, server, or anywhere you want it to be. Our outstanding API web script is an easier and more convenient alternative to having to come to our website every time you want to send the messages.
Using our API script, not only can you send messages from you server, but also you can use pre-created address books. If you want to save some extra time and not have to reenter numbers, you want your messages sent to, every time you decide to advertise your product, you can create multiple address books right on our website. Once you create the address books, using our API script, you will be able to use the created address books. In addition, through our API script you can get the prices for all the countries in CSV format (create address book group, open that group and you will find CSV file format example and upload CSV form).
Very easy bulk SMS sending from your system by phone numbers or address bok, just try it!
While you could create your own company and start offering your own bulk SMS sending service, you could also use our services. This way you could save a lot of trouble of creating a separate company, signing various legal documents, etc. Our mission is to provide you with the most revenue, while having as least expenses as possible.
Our API system lets your users add as much as 100 numbers for one message, if you use GET method query. In addition, if you use POST method query, your users can send SMS messages to up to 500 cellphone numbers. We do not have preference of which one you should use, and it is entirely up to you, which method to use. None of the competitors in the market can provide you with such a convenient technology for your users.
Additionally, we provide your users with the feedback (callback param) whether the messages were delivered, or they had some troubles being delivered. If you choose callback parameter to be used, we will give you the feedback about each message individually. This could be extremely attractive to your clients, as they could manage how many messages they have sent, and how efficient the advertisements are.
What makes our company distinguished from our competitors is that we care about the people who use our services the most! Our competitors will only provide you with instructions how to create your own API scripts to be built into your websites. Meanwhile, we provide you with pre-built API scripts to save you the hassle and get your website setup in couple of minutes. Are you not looking for reselling our services, but for having our services in handy? With our API script, you can have our bulk SMS sending services right on your blog, website, server, or anywhere you want it to be. Our outstanding API web script is an easier and more convenient alternative to having to come to our website every time you want to send the messages.
Using our API script, not only can you send messages from you server, but also you can use pre-created address books. If you want to save some extra time and not have to reenter numbers, you want your messages sent to, every time you decide to advertise your product, you can create multiple address books right on our website. Once you create the address books, using our API script, you will be able to use the created address books. In addition, through our API script you can get the prices for all the countries in CSV format (create address book group, open that group and you will find CSV file format example and upload CSV form).
Very easy bulk SMS sending from your system by phone numbers or address bok, just try it!